Need help?
Your having a successful taxi experience means everything to us. Below, you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. The continuous development of our service is important to us, so we’re happy to receive feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Frequently asked questions
If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, you can send us an email or submit a call-back request.
What is 02 Taksi?
02 Taksi is a taxi booking service. We bring together reliable taxi companies and help our customers always find a ride that’s best for them. You can book a taxi by calling 020230 or by using the 02 Taksi application.
The 02 Taksi service was founded in 2018. Today, we help tens of thousands of customers each month to find a taxi that best suits their needs.
Where in Finland can I use 02 Taksi?
More than 95 % of Finns are able to use the 02 Taksi application, and calling 020230 will get you a taxi anywhere in Finland.
Which taxi companies can I book through the 02 Taksi service?
02 Taksi brings together more than fifty taxi companies across Finland, and the number keeps growing. For up-to-date information on the companies involved, visit here.
Our telephone service at 020230 is able to connect you with all Finnish taxi companies and help you find the number of an individual taxi driver, if necessary.
If you have a specific taxi company that you would like to reach via 02 Taksi, let us know by sending an email to
How much does using 02 Taksi cost?
The use of the 02 Taksi application and its booking feature are free of charge. Bookings made by phone will be charged according to the price list.
Can I order several taxis at once?
The 02 Taksi application lets you book one regular passenger car or a people-carrier at a time. If you need to make a larger booking, contact our telephone service at 020230.
Can I compare the prices of different taxi companies?
The 02 Taksi service allows you to compare the fixed prices of different taxi companies when you specify your pickup address and destination. You can also compare taxi companies based on their arrival time and customer ratings.
What are the prices of different taxi companies based on?
All prices are based on fares the taxi companies themselves have determined for 02 Taksi. The taxi company-specific rates can be found in the 02 Taksi application.
Are the quoted prices fixed?
If you specify your destination when making your booking, the taxi company will give you fixed price for the ride. This price is what you will pay when taking the trip. If you pay for your ride in the application, the price is always fixed.
The fixed price includes the trip from the specified pick-up location to the specified destination. The fixed price does not include stopovers or instances where the driver has to wait for you for more than 2 minutes. These situations are charged separately according to the taxi company’s price list.
You can also book a taxi without specifying your destination. In that case, the price of the trip is based on the taximeter and the final price is confirmed at the end of the ride.
You can find the pricing criteria for trips charged according to the taximeter in the 02 Taksi application. When using our telephone service, you can ask our customer service about how the prices are determined.
Are the reported arrival times accurate?
The arrival times shown in the application are estimates of arrival times sent to 02 Taksi by the taxi companies. Once a driver has accepted your booking, you can track the arrival of the car in real time.
We constantly monitor the punctuality of the rides we supply and develop our service in cooperation with our partners. We always let the taxi companies know if there are any significant deviations from the estimated arrival times. You can find a taxi company’s punctuality assessment by clicking on the Info button when comparing taxi companies.
Are all emissions from taxi rides booked through the 02 Taksi application offset?
Emissions from all rides ordered through the 02 Taksi application are compensated for.
How can I book a taxi using 02 Taksi?
You can easily book a taxi either by calling 020230 or by using the 02 Taksi application.
What should I do if my ride doesn’t arrive?
You can contact the driver or the taxi company that supplied the ride. You can find the phone numbers in the 02 Taksi application. Should your ride not arrive, you can also send us feedback at
Where can I contact for lost and found items?
Voinko maksaa kyytini 02 Taksi -sovelluksessa?
Kyllä voit! Osa taksiyhtiöistä tukee sovellusmaksamista kiinteähintaisissa kyydeissä. Voit maksaa kyydin maksukortilla, Apple Paylla, MobilePaylla tai ansaitsemillasi krediiteillä. Käy lisäämässä haluamasi maksuvaihtoehto jo etukäteen sovelluksen maksutapoihin.
Can I pay for my ride in the 02 Taksi application?
Yes! Some taxi companies support application payment for fixed-price rides. You can pay for your ride with card, Apple Pay, MobilePay or your 02 Taksi credits. Access the app to add your preferred payment method to the payment options in advance.
Which payment methods does the application support?
The 02 Taksi application supports Visa and MasterCard debit and credit cards and American Express credit cards. You can also pay for your ride using Apple Pay or the MobilePay application. The credits you have may also be used to pay for your ride.
Can I pay for my trip with a taxi card?
You cannot currently pay for your taxi ride with a taxi card, as not all of our partners support this payment method.
Can I pay my ride with an invoice?
It is not possible to pay with an invoice.
Special request
Voinko tilata taksin ennakkoon 02 Taksin kautta?
Kyllä voit! Ennakkotilaus onnistuu sekä puhelimitse numerosta 020230 että 02 Taksi -sovelluksella. Sovelluksella voit tehdä ennakkotilauksen maksimissaan 7 vrk päähän. Tätä pidemmän ajan päähän ennakkotilaukset onnistuvat puhelinpalvelun kautta.
Can I use the 02 Taksi application to pre-book a taxi?
Absolutely! You can make a pre-booking either by phone at 020230 or through the 02 Taksi application. When using the application, the maximum pre-booking time is 7 days. If you want to make a booking more than 7 days in advance, please contact our telephone service.
How can I book a Kela-reimbursed taxi?
If you are entitled to a Kela-reimbursed taxi trip, you can call our service number at 020230. Our customer service will connect you to your local Kela taxi booking number.
Can I choose an environmentally friendly ride?
The 02 Taksi service allows you to choose a low-emission car or a fully electric car if such vehicles are available in your area. In the app, low-emission cars appear in green and fully electric cars in blue.
Can I book a premium ride?
You can book a premium ride through the 02 Taksi service if the service is available in your area. Premium cars appear in black in the app.
Can I add a stopover for my trip?
The 02 Taksi service does not currently support adding stopovers to fixed-price bookings. If you wish to make a stop along the way, you can book a taxi without specifying your destination. In that case, the price of the trip is based on the taximeter and the final price is confirmed at the end of the ride.
Can I book a taxi on behalf of another person?
You can book a taxi on behalf of another person. In that case, taxi booking notifications will be sent to your phone and the receipt for your prepaid booking will be sent to the email address you have provided in your business profile.
Can I order a taxi when travelling with a pet?
It is not possible to order a taxi from 02 Taksi if you are traveling with a pet, but you can call our service number at 020230. Our customer service will connect you to your local taxi center.
Can I order a taxi if I need a safety seat for my child?
If you have your own safety seat with you, you can place an order with 02 Taksi application. If you don’t have your own safety seat, you can call our service number at 020230. Our customer service will connect you to your local taxi center.
A child under the age of 3 must always use a safety seat when traveling by taxi.
Mitä 02 Taksi -krediitit ovat?
Krediitit ovat 02 Taksi -sovelluksessa käytettävä maksutapa. Krediiteillä voit maksaa ennakkoon maksetun matkan hinnan krediittimäärästäsi riippuen joko kokonaan tai osittain.
What are 02 Taksi credits?
Credits are a payment method that you can use in the 02 Taksi application. You can use credits to pay for your trip either in part or in full, depending on the amount of credits you have.
How can I receive credits?
You can earn credits by recommending the 02 Taksi application to your friends. You can also receive credits through various campaigns or promotional codes.
How can I use the credits I have?
You can use credits when paying for your ride in the application in advance. When making a booking, select “Pay with credits”. You can use credits to pay for your trip either in part or in full, depending on the amount of credits you have.
You can pay for your fixed-price rides in the application, if taxi company supports application payment.
Can I convert my credits into cash?
Credits cannot be converted into cash.
What happens if I can’t use my credits before they expire?
As your credits expire, they will be removed from your credit balance and will no longer be available. You can check your current credit balance by accessing the menu and view the validity period of your credits by clicking on the balance.
Why is it not possible to use credits in all taxi rides?
Credits can only be used with taxi companies that have enabled application payment in the 02 Taksi app. This feature is not supported with all of our taxi partners.
Credits can only be used for fixed-price rides.
Can I choose a taxi with the best customer rating?
Absolutely! You can check the customer ratings of different taxi companies in the 02 Taksi app. If you prefer using the 02 Taksi telephone service, our customer service agents are happy to provide you with the information you need – all you need to do is ask!
How can I ensure that the cost of my taxi journey stays within a reasonable range?
How do I know that the taxi at my location is the one I booked earlier?
I prefer not to carry any cash on me. How can I pay for my taxi trip?
How can I be certain that a driver is on their way to pick me up?
Will I be able to get information about my taxi driver later on?
My taxi ride left me feeling uncomfortable and I want to leave some feedback. What should I do?
You can leave 02 Taksi feedback by calling +358 9 4272 0877 (local network rate or mobile charge) or by sending an email to We will promptly follow up with the taxi company and the driver to address your concerns.
Business users
Miten lisään 02 Taksiin yritysprofiilin?
Voit lisätä yritysprofiilin 02 Taksi -sovelluksessa oman profiilisi asetuksista. Yritysprofiilillesi lisätään nimi, oletusmaksutapa ja sähköpostiosoite kuitteja varten.
How do I add a business profile in the 02 Taksi application?
You can add a business profile by accessing your profile settings. You business profile will include a name, a default payment method and an email address for electronic receipts.
Can I change the type of ride I have booked to personal or business after making a booking?
It is not possible to change the trip type after making a booking. If you wish, you may forward the receipt you received by email to another email address.
Can the default payment method be different for personal and business use?
Yes. You can change the payment method in your personal or company profile.
Will I get a receipt for all taxi trips?
You will receive an electronic receipt for bookings that you have paid in advance using the application. The electronic receipts can be found in your order history. If you pay for your ride in car, you will receive a receipt from the driver.
Can I export a pre-booking to my calendar?
Yes. You can add a pre-booking to your calendar after the booking has been confirmed.
Can I add a reference for a business trip?
Yes you can. You can add the reference when making the booking, before confirming the order.
Will my order history show which of my rides have been business trips?
The rides are divided into personal and business trips in the order history.
I didn’t receive the receipt in my email, what should I do?
First, make sure you typed your email correctly. Then check your email spam folder. If you can’t find the receipt, you can resend it by accessing your order history. Please note that electronic receipts are available only for rides you have paid for in the app.
How do I select between a private or business ride?
You can choose the trip type before confirming your booking.
What payment methods can a company profile include?
Company profiles support Visa and MasterCard debit and credit card, American Express credit card, Apple Pay or MobilePay as the payment method.
Can I pay for my taxi ride with an invoice?
Unfortunately, it’s currently not possible to pay for a taxi ride with an invoice. The easiest way to pay for a business trip is to set up a business profile for your company. Having a business profile will allow you to forward the receipt you receive by email to your accountant, for example.